This . At this time, people who have already invested just need to do 1 simple thing - be patient and wait.

08 Aug 2023, 15:58
This 💯!! At this time, people who have already invested just need to do 1 simple thing - be patient and wait!! Like Warren Buffet said several times - "I'm not in a loss as I have not sold my investment. It's only a loss when you have sold it." All you have to do right now is simply hold and see how things play out. Show me 1 token that is doing exceedingly well right now, be it meme coins or otherwise. Everything is at a stand still right now and no amount of Twitter posts or any other marketing is really going to help at this point, in my opinion. Also, if you are going to complain about SWEEP, think of where it is compared to some other projects like BDC and such that have 100x followers and MC than us and how much they are languishing as well. It is not easy and things just take time. If you are desperately waiting to get your money out and chart watching every single day, I'm sorry to say it like this but you shouldn't have invested in crypto to begin with. It is as volatile as a casino, if not more, and you need only invest $ you are willing to potentially lose. I know it's hard to convince people once they have made up their minds and that's fine but if at all possible please listen to what Mom always said, "if you don't have anything nice to say about anything, then don't say anything at all". Actions do speak louder than words and like @Coach_KY and @GilbertMZiebellIV and @gainzbnb said in the past, just sell and move on, please - those actions will definitely be louder than any words you might use, be it here or on CMC. Sorry, if I hurt anyone's feelings!!